Corporate Governance

Quality Policy

We are dedicated to making Quality the hallmark of SAM through our commitment to Reliability and pursuance for Continuous Improvement.

We are committed to the Quality, Reliability and Cost Effectiveness of our Products & Services through Total Compliance and On-Time Delivery to satisfy our Customers’ Needs.

We pledge to an Open Reporting Culture for employees to feel confident raising concerns to prevent unwanted incidents.

We strive to continuously improve the work culture & environment with a focus towards health & safety, productivity, and product safety.

The Quality Policy shall be the pledge of our Employees & Management, individually and collective as a Team.

Code of Business Conduct & Ethics

SAM Engineering & Equipment (M) Berhad (the “Company“) is committed to promoting good business conduct and maintaining a healthy corporate culture that reflects the Company’s Core Values.

This Code serves as a general guideline to regulate the actions and behavior of all personnel (including the Board, Management and all employees) (“Personnel“) of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group“). The Company expects and requires that all Personnel, being representatives of the Group, adhere to this Code and maintain a high level of conduct and business ethics (including avoiding, as much as possible, situations where conflicts of interest may arise).

This Code is not intended to anticipate all instances of conflicts of interest. Hence, when issues of conflicts, ethics and conduct arise, the Company requires and expects Personnel to exercise good and sound judgement, and act in utmost good faith in the best interests of the Group. This Code maybe reviewed, amended and updated from time to time by the Management with the approval of the Board.

Anti Bribery & Corruption Policy

This Policy sets out the position of SAM Engineering & Equipment (M) Berhad (“SAMEE”) and its group of companies (collectively, the “Group”) pertaining to bribery and corruption in all forms and matters to which a Director or an employee of the Group may encounter in his/her day to day duties.

This policy applies to the Directors and all employees of the Group (inclusive of full time, contract and permanent part-time employees) (“Stakeholders”).

EHS Policy

In our quest to provide a safe and healthy working environment to all within the company premise.

We do not compromise safety and all employees and contractors shall be responsible for their own safety and health.

All employees shall abide by and be familiar with the company safety and health practices and operating procedures.

Act to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and other requirements to which we subscribe.

We shall continuously provide training and information to all staff to work safely at all times.

We shall carry out regular workplace safety and health inspection, monitoring and auditing.

Occupational Safety & Health Policy

In our quest to provide a safe and healthy working environment to all within the company premise:

We do not compromise on safety.

All employees and contractors shall be responsible for their own safety and health.

All employees shall abide by and be familiar with the company safety and health practices and operating procedures.

Act to comply with all applicable laws, regulation and other requirements to which we subscribe.

We shall continuously provide training and information to all staff to work safely at all times.

We shall carry out regular workplace safety and health inspection, monitoring and auditing.

Environmental Policy

SAM Engineering & Equipment (M) Bhd is committed to the protection and conservation of the environment by striving to continually improve its environmental performance throughout its operations.

Accordingly, the company's policy is to:
Comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations.

Consider the best ways to prevent pollution in accordance with environmental protection manner whenever possible.

Provide suitable training to enable employees to deal with their specific areas of environmental control.

Undertake appropriate reviews by environmental inspection, monitoring and auditing based on objectives and targets for continuous improvement.

Conflict of Interest Policy

SAM Engineering & Equipment (M) Berhad and its subsidiaries is committed to promoting good business conduct and maintaining a healthy corporate culture that reflects the Company’s core values.

Accordingly, the Company expects and requires that all Personnel (including the Board, Management and all employees) to conduct themselves with integrity and professionalism at all times and to exercise prudent judgment to avoid conflicts of interests.

Anti-Fraud Policy

SAMEE is committed to ethical business practices within its worldwide operations. Under no circumstances will SAMEE tolerate fraud or misconduct, either through the actions of its personnel or those working on its behalf.

Legal/Privacy Notices for Thailand

Employee Privacy Notice

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Customer & Business Partner Privacy Notice

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CCTV Privacy Notice

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At SAM, our employees are expected to always uphold the integrity and embrace the highest standards of ethics in carrying out their roles and responsibilities.

The SAM Code of Conduct outlines expected behaviors for our employees as they conduct business in accordance with our values and applicable laws and regulations.

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